- Accounting and Auditing (2)
- Banking (1)
- Economics@ (2)
- Real Estate@ (2)
- Suomen Pankki - Finlands Bank - Bank of Finland ...www.bof.fi
- VAASAN YLIOPISTO KAUPPATIETEELLINEN TIEDEKUNTA Language English Perusopinnot Opintosihteerit Hakeminen Opintoneuvot Luentolinkit uwasa.opintoasiat Opinto-opas Ty harjoittelu Hessu Lehdet Intr Program S nn ksi Asetus kauppat. Yleiskalenteri Jatko-opinnot Hae & runko Jatkokoulutusopas Jatko-op. sem. Tutorialit Konferensseja KATAJA GSFFA Tutkielma-asiat Gradu p sivu JOTT Analyysiraportti Ryhm t FAQ ...www.uwasa.fi/ktt/lasktoim
- Finnfacts provides information on Finnish industry and economy to foreign journalists.www.finnfacts.com
- The Invest in Finland Bureau (IFB) helps foreign investors explore investment opportunities in Finland by offering guidance, practical advice and introductions to Finnish companies and organisations.www.investinfinland.fi
- Graduate School of Finance and Financial Accounting for doctoral students The Accounting and Finance departments of the Helsinki School of Economics, the Swedish School of Economics and the University of Vaasa have established a joint nation-wide four-year doctoral program in English. The program is sanctioned by the Finnish Ministry of Education and the Finnish Academy of Sciences. The ...www.uwasa.fi/~ts/gsffa.html