- Welcome to The Simpsons Archive's episode guide. Episodes are grouped by season and sorted in broadcast order. While premier broadcast dates are given as a reference, you must refer to the air dates chart for information on all successive Fox network broadcast dates. A plain-text edition of the episode guide is also available. Simply send e-mail to episodes@lyris.snpp.com, leaving the subject ...www.snpp.com/episodeguide.html
- A detailed list of all of the appearances of Itchy and Scratchy ...www.silverbox.com/krusty/ins1.html
- Episodes with lots of Nelson Muntz!!! Of course, there are a lot of episodes where he just shows up with his HA-HA 7G05, Bart the general: Bart organizes a group of friends to get revenge on Nelson Muntz 8F07, Saturdays of thunder: Nelson races in a soapbox-racecar against Martin and Bart. Bart (with Martin's car) faces Nelson in the final. 9F12, Brother from the same planet: Nelson, his dad, ...hem1.passagen.se/muntz/avsnitt.htm