- Aids, government, conspiracy ...www.sonic.net/~doretk/ArchiveARCHIVE/Aids/Aids.html
- By David Gilbert THEORIES THAT AIDS IS A GOVERNMENT CONSPIRACY TO DESTROY UNDESIRABLE POPULATIONS MAY MAKE POLITICAL SENSE, BUT ARE THEY SUPPORTED BY FACTS AIDS has an uncanny knack for attacking people the dominant society considers undesirables : gays, injection drug users (IDUs), prisoners, and people of color. The commonly cited US statistic that African Americans have twice the AIDS rate as ...mediafilter.org/MFF/caq/CAQ58TrackGenocide.html
- Was There an AIDS Contract Was There an AIDS Contract I heard about Jakob Segal's theory that the AIDS virus originated in a US government biological warfare research laboratory in early 1989. After some preliminary research, I was amazed to find that this shocking theory had received no attention whatsoever in the mainstream American press, and almost none in Europe. The questions this theory ...www.sas.upenn.edu/African_Studies/Urgent_Action/AIDS_Contract.html