Established on February 14, 1903, to promote American businesses and trade, the U.S. Department of Commerce is the most versatile agency in government. Its broad range of responsibilities include expanding U.S. exports, developing innovative technologies, gathering and disseminating statistical data, measuring economic growth, granting patents, promoting minority entrepreneurship, predicting the weather and monitoring stewardship.
The purpose of the RAND Journal of Economics, formerly the Bell Journal of Economics, is to support and encourage research in the behavior of regulated industries, the economic analysis of organizations, and more generally, applied microeconomics. Both theoretical and empirical manuscripts in economics and law are encouraged.
The Journal of Economic Education Home Page The Journal of Economic Education offers original articles on innovations in and evaluations of teaching techniques, materials, and programs in economics. Articles, tailored to the needs of instructors of introductory through graduate-level economics, cover content and pedagogy in a variety of mediums. Editorial decisions are directed from the ...
International Treasurer is dedicated to helping treasurers add value to their multinational businesses with: topical analysis of real world treasury management challenges, in-depth case studies, country profiles, no-nonsense reviews of bank products and treasury software/systems, cross-functional coverage of tax, accounting, and legal developments relating to treasury, and new looks at ...