- Exhibitions, boutiques, galleries, terraces... The restored 1847 Bonsecours Market has become the tourist and cultural heart of Old Montreal. Expositions, boutiques, galeries, terrasses... Le Marche Bonsecours de 1847 restaure est devenu le coeur touristique et culturel du Vieux-Montreal.www.marchebonsecours.qc.ca
- Montreal City Hall Montreal City Hall has a more turbulent history than its peaceful facade suggests. The building went up between 1872 and 1878, and survived a severe fire in 1922. And it was from this balcony that French President General de Gaulle uttered his famous Vive le Quebec libre! during a state visit in 1967. (Listen closely and you can still hear the crowds roaring.) Monuments...www.vieux.montreal.qc.ca/tour/etape2/eng/2text3a.htm