Less traveled than Bora Bora and Tahiti Raiatea and Tahaa are two fascinating islands offering the Tahitian vacationer the experience of unspoiled French Polynesia.
Entree ici - enter here - Eingang hier Dear Guests, for a optimal performance change your screen up to a resolution of 1024x768 pixels. This site is optimized for Microsoft IE 3.0, Netscape Navigator 3.0 and higher. 2002 Steger s Web Design Studio, Andreas Steger, Geltinger. Str.3, 81379 Muenchen, +49 (89)78588789 webmaster@temanoha.com ...
Le but de ce site web est de montrer des images de l'un des plus splendides archipels et l'une des plus celebres iles du monde. J'ai vecu a Tahiti pendant 6 ans, et c'est pourquoi j'ai un grand nombre de photos de la-bas. J'ai egalement une idee de ce que vivre la-bas signifie...
TAHITI POSTCARDS 10 Early woodcut art depicting the discovery of Tahiti. Exotic vintage Tahiti travel poster. Papeete, harbour view, 1941. Tahiti scene, 1921. Tahiti dancers. French original lithograph, 1937. Tahiti scene, 1925. Otea Dance, 1937. Click on the above for a larger image. Tahiti Postcards and Picture Galleries Oceania Postcards and Picture Galleries Jane's Tahiti Home Page Jane's ...