- The UCLA Anthropological Society is an Undergraduate Student Club dedicated to anthropological news and events on the UC campus and around the world. We strive to provide a network of social interaction between students, enhance involvement with faculty members, and promote academic success.www.sscnet.ucla.edu/anthro/as
- weber.ucsd.edu/~anthclub
- Find out what anthropology has to offer at Northern Arizona University.dana.ucc.nau.edu/~anthro-p
- You need a Java enabled browser! The Club Upcoming Events Upcoming Trips Past Trips Club Officers Links The UTPA Anthropology Program The Club The Anthropology Club at The University of Texas-Pan American is an organization made up of students and non-students who share an interest in anthropology and is closely associated with the Anthropology Department at the university. Our goal is to ...www.panam.edu/orgs/anthropology