- Your virtual guide to Carrboro, NC Carrboro... a small town on the piedmont of North Carolina, known as The Paris of the Piedmont to some, a town without parking meters to others, but simply as my home to most. It's a small town, with a lot of good ideas and positive things happening. Small enough that people care, large enough to be interesting..... These pages will help you to become ...www.carrboroweb.com
- CARRBORO, NORTH CAROLINA 27510 - AREA CODE 919 ENTER To appreciate all aspects of this site, make sure you're Java Enabled, and that you are set at the correct screen area settings. WINNER OF THE This website is owned by UniqueOrn Enterprises & is copyrighted 1996-2002. If you would like to use anything from here we usually don't mind, just ask us first. Skip to Front Page News ...www.carrboro.com