- CULTURES OF THE ANDES Culturas de los Andes Pictures from the Andes Mountains of So. America -- Fotos Songs, words & music -- Canciones -- Takikuna Quechua, native Language -- Lenguaje Ind gena: Jokes -- Chistes -- Asinakuna Dances with Movies clips -- Danzas, con Videos cortos -- Tusuykuna Poetry in Ecuadorian Quichua, and Peruvian Quechua -- Poemas -- Harawikuna Bible -- Biblia en Quechua ...www.andes.org
- This web site is about the Saraguros of south highland Ecuador and about the land in which they live.www.saraguro.org
- CONAIE NativeWeb Indigenous Peoples in Ecuador Pueblos del Ecuador / Peoples of Ecuador Otavalo Miguel Andrango: Master of the Loom Corporacion Para la Defensa del Lago San Pablo (CODELSPA) Levantamiento 2001: Cese la Represion Noticias del Levantamiento Ind gena y de la Sociedad Civil de Enero del 2000 Indigenous participation in the 1996 elections Encuentro continental de autoridades y l deres ...abyayala.nativeweb.org/ecuador