- Sponsorship For Sponsorship, and Advertising Information, Please call Virginia Sullivan At (619) 557-8490 Or Email sponsors@street-scene.com Street Scene 2002 will return to the streets of downtown San Diego for its 19th year on September 6, 7, and 8 (the weekend after Labor Day). 2002 Vendor Applications available for download here. The three-day music festival features over 80 bands on 6 ...www.street-scene.com
- The San Diego Bay Parade of Lights is an annual event held on San Diego Bay. Boats of all types and sizes are decorated in Christmas themes and parade around the bay to the enjoyment of all.sdparadeoflights.org
- Home site of San Diego's Taste of the Nation fundraising event to alleviate hunger in the county, the region, and nationwide.www.sandiegotaste.org