- The Virginia Beach Volunteer Rescue Squad (station-14) is located in the city of Virginia Beach, Virginia. We are one of eleven all-volunteer rescue squad stations in our city. We've been an all-volunteer Rescue Squad since 1952 and have grown with our city to provide free emergency medical care since then. Our members come from all walks of life and every corner of our city. Each volunteers ...www.rescue14.com
- Virginia Beach Fire Department Company #18 The Bull Pen Notice: This page is not Officially VBFD Endorsed! This page is intended to introduce you to the Company #18 Fire Station history and the personnel that call it home ( ) Meet each shift and learn a little about the fire fighters inside the turnout gear. Each section has personal information and photos. Our Address is: 1601 Lynnhaven Parkway ...www.pinn.net/~vbfd18