- The Country Friends of Rancho Santa Fe supports human care agencies with emphasis on those providing services to women, children and the elderly, with the objective of Helping People Help Themselves.www.countryfriends.org
- The Mira Mesa Town Council (MMTC) is a volunteer organization that works toward the improvement of the Mira Mesa Community. The Mira Mesa Town Council holds monthly meetings that provide information to the community and act as a forum for identifying and solving community problems. Elected representatives or their staff attend most MMTC meetings, and can research and respond to issues that arise ...www.miramesatowncouncil.org
- Take to the Hills is a California-based non-profit organization that delivers clothing and medical supplies to rural areas, concentrating on villages in the Sierra Madre Mountains of Northwest Mexico.www.taketothehills.org
- The Kiwanis Club of Carlsbad, California is a service club that raises money and provides hands-on projects that benefit children and youth of the community. The club has about 30 volunteer members.home.pacbell.net/r_allen/kiwanis