LipoScience, Inc. (formerly LipoMed, Inc.) is a diagnostic testing company using advanced technology to detect and treat heart disease and other metabolic conditions such as diabetes and insulin resistance.
Medical Marketing Research, Inc. - A group of Domestic and International market research companies specializing in Medical Market Research, Sales Analysis, Forcasting, and Modeling.
Natural Vision Improvement: A Wholistic Approach to Vision Care ...
Welcome to RA Lamb. Massive range of medical supplies for delivery around the world.
SEC Associates - Regulatory Compliance and Computer Validation services for the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device, and CRO industries, including manufacturing, laboratory, clinical, and other information management computer systems.
Computer validation, equipment validation, process validation, thermal validation and FDA GMP compliance for the pharmaceutical, biotech and clinical trials industries.
VanKel is the worlds leading provider of dissolution equipment, dissolution education, and support for the pharmaceutical industry. VanKel designs, manufactures, and distributes the highest quality pharmaceutical and dissolution testing equipment available in todays market.