British Cactus and Succulent Society ...
Plantlife is a charity which conserves wild plants in their natural habitat, helping plants from becoming rare and rescuing species from extinction.
Many families of plants contain succulent (i.e. water storing) species that have adapted to the arid climates of deserts and semi-deserts. Many of these habitats are associated with high day-time temperatures and special mechanisms have evolved to collect and conserve the limited moisture that is available, sometimes only from dews, mists and fogs. Convergent evolution has often resulted in ...
UK big trees, a record of ancient and historical tree information from The Tree Register of the British Isles.
Cultural information on orchids, stories, pictures and events in the UK, link to the oldest orchid society in the world.
Information about English Oak trees, the beginning of the encyclopedia of life starting with the English Oak Tree, The Oaks life history, their conservation and woodland restoration ...
Chrysanthemums in Aberdeen ...