- September 11th National Tragedy We are God's people sharing a responsibility to witness God's unconditional love and to bring Christ's healing presence to our world. A Brief History General Statistics What's New On This Site Calendar of Events ...www.rcda.org
- Sermon notes, newsletters, bible surveys, links to other exciting Christian web sites, and a guest book for visitors.gracefellowship.com
- Serving Albany Since 1642 First Church in Albany 110 North Pearl Street Albany, NY 12207 (518) 463-4449 FAX (518) 463-4830 firstchurch@firstchurchinalbany.org Welcome Welcome to the historic First Church in Albany. Since 1642 we have been in ministry in the heart of the city, with the city in our heart. As the oldest church in upstate New York, we are deeply committed to a diverse community of ...www.firstchurchinalbany.org
- www.cathedralofallsaints.org
- Churches of the Albany District.www.gbgm-umc.org/albanydistrict/churches.html