- To develop, encourage and promote an active, healthy lifestyle for Canadian adults that will enhance the dignity of the aging process.www.uwo.ca/actage
- ALCOA, a partnership of organizations and individuals having interest in the field of aging, encourages older Canadians to maintain and enhance their well-being and independence through a lifestyle that embraces daily physical activities.www.alcoa.ca
- Vision and Aging Laboratory Dr. D.W. Kline Vision, Aging, Human Factors Graduate Program Affiliation: Perception, Aging and Cognitive Ergonomics Phone: (403) 220-3600 (office) or (403) 220-4969 (lab) Fax: (403) 282-8249 Email: donkline@ucalgary.ca Contents Research Activities Lab Personnel and Facilities Volunteers Needed Other Vision Sites Outline The Vision and Aging Lab is proud to be a ...www.psych.ucalgary.ca/pace/va-lab