- Ne-Do-Ba is a nonprofit, established to explore and share the history and culture of the Abenaki Indian in Western Maine ...www.avcnet.org/ne-do-ba/nam_waba.html
- Simple, reliable, sensible web solutions are what Xanatos Enterprises provides every day, for businesses small to large. And that means peace of mind for you- call us today!xanatos.com/abenaki.html
- ABENAKI-PENOBSCOT ( Abenaki, Abenaqui, San Francis, Penobscot ) Spoken in Quebeq on St. Lawrence River between Montreal and Quebeq City. The Penobscot dialect is spoken near Bangor, Maine. Canada - U.S.A. Nmit gwesna spempik aiian, s gmowal negwadji eliwisian, K'tabaldamw gan pai mwiji, kolaldamw gan likit gwadji tali kik ta lawi, tali spemkik. M milina nikw bi pamkisgak nedattaskiskwai ab ...www.christusrex.org/www1/pater/JPN-abnaki-penobscot.html