- Scientific data, informations, atlases and other on light pollution, night sky brightness, sky glow, nightime lights, naked eye visible stars, limiting magnitude, night-time stellar visibility, measurements from DMSP satellites, light pollution science and technology institute, Dati scientifici, informazioni, mappe, atlanti su inquinamento luminoso, brillanza del cielo notturno, effetti ...www.lightpollution.it/dmsp
- La pagina corrente utilizza dei frame, che tuttavia non sono supportati dal browser in uso. ...www.iii.to.cnr.it
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- We are an Earth Island centre The main focus of the organisation has originally been provided by the identification with St. Francis's vision of Universal Brotherhood, scientifically translated as ecological interdependence, and of a frugal use of eathly goods. It has inspired the educational programme of the association which strives to apply ethical principles ...to the relationship between ...www.assisinc.ch