Tomtom, London's leading cigar merchant selling Cuban Havana cigars, including complete range of English Market Selection: Cohiba, Montecristo, Romeo y Julieta, Saint Luis Rey. Elie Bleu Cigar humidors, cigar ashtrays, S.T. Dupont lighters, other cigar accessories and whisky.
London Cigar Company stocks large ranges on quality handmade premium cigars for delivery within 24 - 48 hours in the UK and 72 hours worldwide. You can order online or by telephone, fax or email - and be confident that you receive the best price possible.
57 Houndsditch, London, EC3A 8AA Tel +00 44 (207) 929 2242 Fax +00 44 (207) 929 2232 WELCOME Thank You for visiting the website of Burlington Bertie, The UKs premier cigar merchant Burlington Bertie is a specialist cigar merchant stocking over fifteen different brands of the finest cuban cigars available in the UK. Apart from cigars on offer are cigar humidors, cutters, cases and accessories.