- www.colorhealing.com
- A complete insight into the world of Colour Therapy. Details about the Chakras, treatment, colour, and the history of colour.www.colourtherapyhealing.com
- Purchase a workbook, chromotherapy torches or gem essences.www.ozelink.com/natures_energies/color1.htm
- Essential oils, soaps, laminated color chart, and more.www.colourenergy.com/html/products.html
- This comprehensive book enumerates the myriad ways you can consciously choose to use color to influence your body, mind and soul to promote balanced health and well-being.www.accessnewage.com/MoreInfo/261.htm
- Constance Hart also provides chakra balancing courses and color therapy energy healing services with Color Energy Sound Healing & Color Aromatherapy to help ...www.consciouscolors.com