- Airports
- Local Guides (6)
- Lodging (20)
- Restaurants@ (1)
- Tour Operators@ (3)
- Bourges : site officiel de la ville ...www.ville-bourges.fr
- www.lochesentouraine.com
- Information for holiday planning in France - choose your hotel, we will make all your arrangements including cottage or hotel booking, travel, and advice on winery and chateaux visits and sight seeing ...www.loire.net
- Creation de site Web Hebergement sur plateforme nationale Fournisseur d'acces Oleane Tour de ville, le jour Around Tours, by day. Tour de ville, la nuit Around Tours , By night. ...www.mediares.fr
- Comite de jumelage d'Artannes (Twinning committee) ...artannes.cdj.free.fr