As the trade association of North American manufacturers of fiber glass, rock wool and slag wool insulation products, NAIMA promotes energy efficiency and environmental preservation through the safe manufacture and use of these products. NAIMA members produce thermal and acoustical insulation products for use in homes, commercial buildings and industrial facilities.
Because of the greatly expanded market, the Polyisocyanurate Insulation Manufacturers Association (PIMA), originally the Roof Insulation Council, was founded in 1987. Manufacturers formed PIMA to promote product benefits, to support national energy-conservation goals, and to assist manufacturers in responding to legislative and regulatory initiatives at the national, state and local levels.
Trade association site includes the Contractor Locator, a database of residential and commercial thermal insulation contractors, searchable by ZIP code.
Membership in the Midwest Insulation Contractors Association provides you and your firm the opportunity to be part of a professional and dynamic association of ...
The Reflective Insulation Manufacturer's Association consists of a small group of dedicated people who have worked for a number of years to gain acceptance of reflective insulations and radiant barriers. Over those years, RIMA has been the major force in establishing fair ASTM standards for testing and installation procedures.
Southeastern Insulation Contractors Association (SEICA). We seek to maintain high professional standards in the conduct of business and performance of ...