That those in the profession of Electrical Engineering who by their attainments in college or in practice, have manifested a deep interest and marked ability in their chosen life work, may be brought into closer union so as to foster a spirit of liberal culture in the engineering colleges and to mark in an outstanding manner those who, as students in Electrical Engineering, have conferred honor on their Alma Maters by distinguished scholarship, activities, leadership and exemplary character and to aid these
Let us acquaint you with the Eta Kappa Nu Association. It is the International Honor Society for Electrical Engineers. A Chapter or Eta Branch of Eta Kappa Nu has been established at your College, Company, or City and at approximately 200 other locations in the United States, Europe, and Asia. Outstanding persons are elected to Eta Kappa Nu primarily from the junior and senior classes of accredited undergraduate programs.
Officer list, events, other links.