- George Washington and the battle of Trenton: the evolution of an American image December 26, 2001 marks the 225th anniversary of the first Battle of Trenton. After crossing the Delaware River, the American troops under General George Washington marched to Trenton where they defeated the Hessians in an unexpected attack. more... statewide: njhome | my new jersey | people | business | government | ...www.state.nj.us/state
- Courtesy, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of John Stewart Kennedy, 1897 DR. MARC MAPPEN, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 225 West State Street, Fourth Floor PO Box 305 Trenton, NJ 08625-0305 (609) 292-6062 (609) 633-8168 FAX The Commission was created by law in 1967 to advance public knowledge of the history of New Jersey. It consists of four state legislators, the state librarian, the secretary of state, ...www.state.nj.us/state/history