- www.nhh.no
- UT I VERDEN BERGEN A- NIFS.NO SKATTEMAGASIN RUBRIKK BA-SNAKK SMS DVD Sist oppdatert: 11.06.02 kl.23.03 NYHETER SPORT PULS DEBATT BOLIG/EIENDOM SMS P NETTET FRITID/TEMA MARKED ABONNEMENT KONTAKT OSS JOBBTILBUD.NO Vaktsjef BA.no Nyhetstips Tekniske feil Vaktsjef p BA.no akkurat n : Henning Jensen 55 23 50 79 Startside Vil du ha BA.no som startside Klikk her! Meldingene fra USA m m tes med ...www.ba.no
- Welcome to Bergen, the City Between the Seven Mountains . These pages have existed (give or take a few changes) in their present form since 1991 when I first published them on the web. They are very old (in web years) and some of the information in them is beginning to become dated although I have tried hard to put timeless yet useful information in them. If you want access to the latest and ...www.uib.no/guide
- WELCOME TO BERGEN - The Gateway to the Fjords of Norway Scandinavia's No. 1 tourist attraction is the beautiful and dramatic fjord country of Western Norway. Our 926-year-old city is situated in the heart of this popular region. Hardangerfjord, Sognefjord and Geirangerfjord are in a class of their own among the fjords of Norway, and Bergen has always been the ideal starting point for touring ...www.uib.no/Bergen/reiseliv/tourist