- Experimentarium er et aktivitets- og kulturcenter for natur og teknik, milj og sundhed, hvor du ved 300 sp ndende opstillinger selv skaber dine oplevelser. ...www.experimentarium.dk
- www.tycho.dk
- Arken ...www.arken.dk
- UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN FACULTY OF SCIENCES .. BOTANICAL MUSEUM & LIBRARY Museum Botanicum Hauniense (C) Organization Logistics Collections Research Projects and Foundations Service for public schools Staff and students Background Library Exhibitions COBICE Affiliated organizations ...www.nathimus.ku.dk/BOT/BOTMUS.HTM
- Skandinaviens st rste samling af islamisk kunst fra 7.-19. rhundrede. Europ isk kunst og kunsth ndv%aelig;rk fra det 17. og 18. rhundrede. Islamic art from the 7th-19th century, Scandinavia's largest collection. European fine and applied art from the 17th and 18th centuries.www.davidmus.dk
- A story about the national symbol of Denmark, The little Mermaid at Langelinie, Copenhagen ...hjem.get2net.dk/OSJ_INDEX/hybenrose/havfruen/eng/index.htm