- Beaches
- Environment and Nature@ (5)
- Fishing (3)
- Organizations (1)
- Windsurfing@ (2)
- Rogaining is the sport of long distance cross-country navigation in which teams of two to five members visit as many checkpoints as possible in twenty-four hours.wa.rogaine.asn.au
- wa.orienteering.asn.au
- This site is produced by the West Australian Fisheries Industry Council to provide extensive information regarding commercial fishing in WA. It covers all aspects of the industry from moon cycles to specific fish species, recipes and seafood restaurants ...www.wafic.com.au
- Western Angler ...www.westernangler.com.au
- Surf Casting and Angling Club of Perth Western Australia has fishing and drycasting competitions, offers fun and fellowship, and welcomes visitors ...www.surfcasters.iinet.net.au
- A website for the skydiving community of Western Australia, including a quarterly newsletter and links to the parachute centres of WA. This site is maintained by the Sporting Skydivers of WA.www.users.bigpond.com/ytsrik/swanchat