- Free Trade (5)
- WELCOME TO AGP.ORG - BIENVENID@S Peoples' Global Action Action Mondiale des Peuples Globale Aktion gegen 'Frei'handel Accion Global de los Pueblos Ac o Global dos Povos Azione Globale dei Popoli Globalnye Akcii Chelovechestva 2nd European People's Global Action Conference more information - mas informacion - plus d'information ...: ENGLISH / ESPA OL / FRANCAIS / ITALIANO / DEUTSCH / PORTUGUES / ...www.nadir.org/nadir/initiativ/agp
- FTAA and Intellectual Property Rules, a paper presented at Belo Horizonte.www.cptech.org/pharm/belopaper.html
- Welcome The Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (FTA) took effect January 1, 1989, against the will of the majority of Canadians. On January 1, 1994, it was expanded and incorporated into the 1100 page North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), also opposed by a clear majority.These documents are among the most important in Canadian history, yet most Canadians do not know what is in them. This ...www.davidorchard.com/ccaft