Site includes links to a discussion forum, mining histories, mining bibliographies, and mining history organisations.
Coal Education, a large resource of information for teachers and students related to coal in Kentucky. With streaming video and other resources for education.
Copyright 2002 The Zanvyl Krieger Mind/Brain Institute Johns Hopkins University Comments, Questions Email Us Mind/Brain Institute The Zanvyl Krieger Mind / Brain Institute is a free standing institute at the Johns Hopkins University with strong connections to the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences and to the School of Medicine. We are located in Krieger Hall in the center of the Homewood ...
The goals and objectives of the Association are as follows: To maintain adequate, stable, and predictable funding for state/tribal reclamation programs; To monitor OSMRE administration of state and federal reclamation programs; To act as a clearinghouse on congressional and other federal actions affecting state/tribal programs to maximize the educational awareness and knowledge base of each member; To take an active leadership role in the development of program and new regulations that benefit the membershi
Coal Mining in Johnson County Proposal: In the first half of this century, Johnson County was a center of activity for coal mining. Being the only industry (besides agriculture) in the area, the mining companies employed much of the population. The goal of this page is to describe the people who worked in the mines as well as their family and working conditions. Brief History of Coal Mining in ...