The Four Color Theorem This page gives a brief summary of a new proof of the Four Color Theorem and a four-coloring algorithm found by Neil Robertson, Daniel P. Sanders, Paul Seymour and Robin Thomas. Table of Contents: History. Why a new proof Outline of the proof. Main features of our proof. Configurations. Discharging rules. Pointers. A quadratic algorithm. Discussion. References. History.
Short, interactive tutorials about the basic concepts of graph theory.
Regular Graphs Page ...
TSPBIB Home Page This page intends to be a comprehensive listing of papers, source code, preprints, technical reports, etc, available on the Internet about the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) and some associated problems. Please send us information about any other work you consider it should be included in this page. Pablo Moscato email: email: moscato@densis.fee.
Graph Coloring Page Joseph Culberson. This page is an on-going project to provide graph coloring resources. Please email with suggestions for additional links and information. Check out the fall 2002 Computational Symposium: Graph Coloring and its Generalizations Contents Graph Coloring Bibliography Graph Coloring Programs Graph Generator Programs (Now includes evacuation ...
Problems in Topological Graph Theory Go to the Table of Contents Compiled by Dan Archdeacon List Started: August 5, 1995 Converted to the web: September 1, 1998 Last modified: November 15, 1998 E-Mail: Postal Mail: Dan Archdeacon Dept. of Math. and Stat. University of Vermont Burlington VT 05401-1455 USA Abstract Do you think you've got problems I know I do. This paper ...
Devoted to the Steiner tree problem and its variants ...
The four colour theorem Geometry and topology index History Topics Index The Four Colour Conjecture first seems to have been made by Francis Guthrie. He was a student at University College London where he studied under De Morgan. After graduating from London he studied law but by this time his brother Frederick Guthrie had become a student of De Morgan. Francis Guthrie showed his brother some ...
Terminology used in graph theory.
Graph Drawing Getting Started Book on Graph Drawing Tutorial on Graph Drawing Annotated Bibliography on Graph Drawing Research Groups AT&T Research Brown University University of Sydney University of Rome III University of Texas at Dallas Software Libraries and Tools Graph Drawing Server: a Web-based graph drawing service. GDToolkit: A LEDA-based library of C++ classes for graph drawing. AGD: ...
S.C. Locke You can contact me at 1996 Faculty Evaluation Form (TEX). Course schedules. Current Mathematics Courses. The Combinatorics Conference. My course syllabi. Search Engines. FAU text only page. The national test (Grade 8). Background Information Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, and Professor, Department of Biomedical Science, Florida Atlantic University. Ph.
Network Resources for Coloring a Graph by: Michael Trick ( Last Update: October 26, 1994 Introduction Given an undirected graph, a clique of the graph is a set of mutually adjacent vertices. A maximum clique is, naturally, a clique whose number of vertices is at least as large as that for any other clique in the graph. If the vertices have weights then a maximum weighted clique is ...
The Hamiltonian Page Hamiltonian cycle and path problems, their generalizations and variations This page intends to be a comprehensive listing of papers, source code, preprints, technical reports, etc, available on the Internet about the Hamiltonian Cycle and Hamiltonian Path Problems as well as some associated problems. We do not provide bibliographic data for most papers listed in our page.
Coloring Algorithms for coloring quadtrees. Aperiodic colored tilings, F. Gahler. Also available in postscript. The chromatic number of the plane. Gordon Royle and Ilan Vardi summarize what's known about the famous open problem of how many colors are needed to color the plane so that no two points at a unit distance apart get the same color. See also another article from Dave Rusin's known math ...
Lengthy discussion of graph theory.
GETGRATS General Theory of Graph Transformation Systems a Research Network funded by the European Community Introduction Research Objectives Events Participants Vacancies --- Click here for information about the offered grants. Deadline: OPEN Network Coordinator Team Leaders APPLIGRAPH (an ESPRIT Working Group closely related to GETGRATS) Introduction GETGRATS (General Theory of Graph ...
The Home Page of Signed, Gain, and Biased Graphs by Thomas Zaslavsky Why is this picture appropriate * Illustration by Hugh Thomson, courtesy of Henry Churchyard Mathematical Bibliography A Mathematical Bibliography of Signed and Gain Graphs and Allied Areas Seventh Edition, 1999 September 22. vi + 151 pp. Copyright 1996, 1998, 1999 Thomas Zaslavsky A signed graph is a graph with signs ...
The ultimate Knight's Tour page of Links ...
Fourth Cracow Conference on Graph Theory ...
Introduction to graph theory, with examples.
Sandpiles in Graphs ...
Open problems and conjectures concerning the determination of properties of families of graphs.
Advanced Topics in Graph Algorithms This archive contains material on the course Advanced Topics in Graph Algorithms © taught by Ron Shamir in the department of Computer Science of Tel-Aviv university, on 10/91-2/92 (Fall 92), 4-6/94 (Spring 94) and 4-6/97 (Spring 97). This was a one-semester graduate course open also to seniors, with one three-hour meeting each week. The course emphasized ...
Problems These are problems which have been on my homepage and are now put out to grass. See also permutation group problems. 1. In 1956, Rudin defined a permutation of the integers which maps 3x to 2x, 3x+1 to 4x+1, and 3x-1 to 4x-1 for all x. Problem: Determine the cycle structure of this permutation. I have just learned (December 1998) that this problem is older: it is the original Collatz ...
Tom Whaley Office: Science Center P406 Office phone: 540-463-8813 Office Hours: MTuF 2-3 and by appointment E-mail: Computer Science Department Home Page Classes CS111 Fundamentals of Computer Science I Research Interests Formal development of programs, correctness of programs, Steinhaus graphs , parallel computing Publications ...
Archives of GRAPHNET@LISTSERV.NODAK.EDU GRAPHNET - Graph Theory Search the archives Post to the list Join or leave the list (or change settings) Manage the list (list owners only) August 2002 July 2002 June 2002 May 2002 April 2002 March 2002 February 2002 January 2002 December 2001 November 2001 October 2001 September 2001 August 2001 July 2001 June 2001 May 2001 April 2001 March 2001 February ...
Graph Theory Open Problems Index of Problems Unit Distance Graphs---chromatic number Unit Distance Graphs---girth Barnette's Conjecture Crossing Number of K(7, 7) Vertices and Neighbors on a Cycle Square of an Oriented Graph Unit Distance Graphs---chromatic number RESEARCHER: Robert Hochberg OFFICE: CoRE 414 DESCRIPTION: How many colors are needed so that if each ...
Graph and Digraph Glossary A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I-J | K | L | M | N | O | P-Q | R | S | T-U | V-Z Acyclic Digraph A digraph is acyclic if it contains no cycles. Arc A directed edge of a digraph. Some authors use it as a synonym for an edge of a graph. Other synonyms for arc in a digraph are arrow, directed line, directed edge, and directed link. Arc List A representation of a digraph ...
A Survey of Distance-Transitive Graphs by Arjeh M. Cohen last update Aug 2001 Preface This is a survey of the state of the art of the classification of primitive distance transitive graphs. It might help to carry out the remainder of the work, as sketched at the DTG workshop in Eindhoven, December 1998. The open cases are listed in three tables, to be found from within the text below.