Tutorials and templates for making tessellations using ClarisWorks, the Geometer's Sketchpad, HyperCard, HyperStudio, and straightedge and compass, including step-by-step instructions for classroom activities.
Student Tessellations Back to Table of Contents Many teachers have written to say that they find the Tessellation Tutorial pages helpful in teaching their students about tessellations. On April 15, 2001 I received the following message from a teacher in York, Pennsylvania. Dear Suzanne, I am a sixth grade teacher who had my math classes make tessellations on Hyperstudio following your great ...
Escher like tessellations that I made.
An illustrated explanation of what a tessellation is in mathematical terms.
Links to other sites about tessellations.
Integration This unit integrates math with subjects such as language arts and arts education. Throughout our activities we have asked the students to respond to the concepts of tessellations. They will write definitions and assess how well their groups worked together. In addition, we have exposed the students to tessellations in the environment, including interior design. If one can locate some ...
You need to have a Java enabled browser to view this Java applet. If your browser supports Java, but you are seeing this mesasge, you probably need to enable Java. Please help us by suggesting enhancements or reporting bugs in this program. Or, send us other questions or comments about this activity. Copyright 1997-2002 The Shodor Education Foundation, Inc. ...
Detailed overview of the nature and meaning of tessellations, with many fine renderings.
Tutorials for making a tessellation using HyperCard including step-by-step instructions for classroom activities.