Logical and cosmological implications of the concept of infinity ...
Illustrative overview of the concept of infinity.
Information about the meaning, context, and existence of the concept of infinity.
Counting to Infinity The symbol, , has been around for more than two thousand years. The Romans used it to represent 1000, a BIG number to them. About 1650 the English mathematician, John Wallis, proposed that stand for INFINITY, and that stuck. The concept of infinity has tantalized and sometimes troubled mankind even longer. Zeno of Elea (495 BC -425 BC ), an early Greek thinker, is remembered ...
Article about the concept of infinity.
Detailed overview of the concept of infinity, with associated mathematical formulas and expressions.
Navigation Panel: Up | Down to First Subsection | Forward (skipping subsections) | Graphical Version | PostScript version | U of T Math Network Home University of Toronto Mathematics Network Answers and Explanations Is there really such a thing as infinity It's a tough question, because the word infinity can mean different things in different contexts. In mathematics, whether or not a certain ...
Detailed mathematical explanations of countable and uncountable infinity, the principle of induction, and the real number system.
Lengthy article about the concept of infinity, including a discussion of its history, Cantor's set theory, and cardinal numbers.