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- The Pi-Search Page Why Why Where can I get the digits of Pi Why is/isn't my favorite number in Pi Updates to the page and searcher (03/14/2001) Comments people have sent Someone has interesting taste: Awards Dave's other pages: A result of taking people too seriously, the Pi Searcher lets you search for any string of digits (up to 120 of them) in the first 100 million digits of Pi. You can ...www.angio.net/pi/piquery
- Store Tarot Runes I Ching Yes/No Coin Flip Library Settings Personal Biorhythm Numerology Compatibility Stichomancy Bibliomancy Webmasters Contact Where is your Birthday in PI Enter your birthday (e.g., 22069) This document will tell you where in PI your birthday first occurs.. E.G., If you were born Feb 20th 1969 search for: 22069 Note: No spaces... (you can also search for 2201969, but, that ...www.facade.com/legacy/amiinpi
- Search engine which searches for names in the digits of Pi; also has an explanation of the search basis.www.angelfire.com/mt/ofolives/pisearch.html