Horticulture and Landscape Architecture|Purdue University Welcome to NewCROPTM the New Crop Resource Online Program The Web site of the Center for New Crops & Plant Products, at Purdue University. NewCROP provides windows to new and specialty crop profiles. An International Training Program in New Crops: Aromatic, Botanical, and Medicinal Plants June 1728, 2002 Essential Oils: Advanced Studies ...
The Ohio State University PlantFacts is a unique search engine that focuses on serving the problem solving needs of gardeners and professional Horticulturists.
Index | Search | Home Famine Foods: by Robert (Bob) L. Freedman Orinda CA 94563 email: namdeerf2@aol.com The Famine Foods DataBase: Plants that are not normally considered as crops are consumed in times of famine. This botanical-humanistic subject has had little academic exposure, and provides insight to potential new food sources that ordinarily would not be considered. Plant family index ...
Pictures and detailed descriptions of crop diseases commonly occurring in the western corn belt. Crops covered include, corn, sorghum, milo, wheat, soybean, dry bean, sugar beet, sunflower, alfalfa, and potato. University of Nebraska- Lincoln, South Central Research and Extension Center.
Lost Crops of the Incas Little-Known Plants of the Andes with Promise for Worldwide Cultivation (1989) Board on Science and Technology for International Development Related Books Openbook Linked Table of Contents Front Matter, pp. i-viii Contents, pp. ix-xii Introduction, pp. 1-21 Part I: Roots and Tubers, pp. 22-26 Achira, pp. 27-38 Ahipa, pp. 39-46 Arracacha, pp. 47-56 Maca, pp. 57-66 Mashua, ...
A critique of modern environmental myths ...
Technical manual on small-scale processing of fruits and vegetables FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS Gaetano Paltrinieri Senior Food Technology and Agroindustries Officer FAO Fernando Figuerola Food Science and Technology Expert Loreto Rojas Food Technology Expert FAO REGIONAL OFFICE FOR LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN Santiago, Chile 1997 The authors, Fernando Figuerola ...
Agronomy is the science of crop production. It incorporates basic sciences, such as biology, chemistry, physics, geology and microbiology, into an applied science which is the foundation for most agriculture.
For more info contact: info@kentuckyamerican.com ...
Index | Search | Home Alternative Field Crops Manual Introduction This Alternative Field Crops Manual addresses the need for detailed information on the production of a number of agronomic crops adapted to the upper Midwest. Our intent is to provide county extension agents and others in educational roles a concise, uniform source of information on those field crops which may be considered as ...
Index | Search | Home CropREFERENCE NEWCROP MONOGRAPHS 1980-1995. Jane Gates' compilation of National Agricultural Library New Crop References. NEW CROP REFERENCES from Noel Vietmeyer of the National Academy of Sciences. A compilation of BOSTID New Crop resources. Reference Books General The Alternative Field Crops Manual. (University of Minnesota) CAPAP, 352 Alderman Hall, 1970 Folwel Ave., St.
Index | Search | Home Neglected Crops: 1492 from a Different Perspective. J.E. Hernando Bermejo and J. Leon (eds.). 1994. Plant Production and Protection Series No. 26. FAO, Rome, Italy. ISBN: 9251032173 This book is available from the publications department of Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. selected chapters are available: Beans Cucurbits Chayote Custard apples Grain ...