- If you can dream it up ... MUDs and MUSES, Multi-User Environments (g musers) The host is Fleur Helsingor (also known as Kya in the WELLmuse) In the musers conference, we discuss MUDs and MUSEs and their applications as virtual communities, educational environments, and gaming worlds. What are the best MU*s What's new in the MU* world Any coding tips for new MUsers What will the creative ...www.well.com/conf/musers
- Isaac and Jeffrey's Extraordinary MUSE Page This page hopes to provide you with all the tools necessary to learn about Muses, how to connect to them and how to begin enjoying them. To this end we encourage you to explore the following links. Have fun! You can visit the WeLLmuse Conference page. If you are a WeLL member, you can email wellmuse@well.com to obtain a character. Before going to the ...www.well.com/user/vision/muse.html