Information about the European geomantic tradition and similar consciousness in the New World.
Maintained by Chris Witcombe - Sweet Briar College - Geomancy Strictly speaking, the term geomancy refers to an ancient form of divination in which, simply put, handfuls of soil or other materials were scattered on the ground, or markings made in the earth or sand, to generate a range of dot configurations which could then be read by a seer. In the 19th century, however, ...
Map and description of geomancy and astronomical influences on Kyoto.
Back to Home Page or Contents Page or Divination or Index Geomancy A system of divination that employs the scattering of pebbles, grains of sand, or seeds on the earth and then the interpretation of their shape and position. The occultist Agrippa later developed a method of making marks on the earth with a stick, (currently the method is also used by making marks on paper with a pencil or pen) ...
Description of the historical uses of geomancy, Henry Cornelius Agrippa's role in its development, and the fundamental steps in getting a geomantic reading.