- The WI is the largest charitable organisation of its kind for women, with over 250, 000 members. Our members meet up to develop interests, get involved in their local communities and have a great time together through their membership of the Women's Institute. ...www.womens-institute.org.uk
- Over 500 country markets thoughout England, Wales and the Channel Islands ...www.wimarkets.co.uk
- Holyport Womens Institute Holyport W.I. has a membership of about 30 people and has been meeting for the last 40 years. Our membership's ages range from 40 upwards. We are affiliated to the Berkshire Federation of Women's Institutes and the National Federation of Women's Institutes. We hold monthly meeting on the second Thursday of each month, at 7.45pm in the Holyport War Memorial Hall, except ...www.btinternet.com/~burch/wi.htm
- Beighton Women's Institute WI ...www.gbits.com/beighton-wi