- UMR 5086-CNRS Director : Pr. A.J.Cozzone Associate Director : Pr. R. Garrone 7, passage du Vercors 69367 LYON cedex 07, FRANCE +33 (0)4 72 72 26 00 Fax : 33 (0)4 72 72 26 01 Webmaster: G.Deleage This server The IBCP description Network Protein Sequence Analysis through our server NPS@ ANTHEPROT software DICROPROT software MPSA software SecTrace software P le Bioinformatique Lyonnais PBIL ...www.ibcp.fr
- Metalloprotein Program Project Overview One-third of all proteins are metalloproteins , chemical combinations of protein atoms (carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, sulfur) with ions of metals such as iron, calcium, copper, and zinc. The hemoglobin, for example, that carries oxygen in the bloodstream, is an iron-containing metalloprotein. The metal ions in metalloproteins are critical to the ...www.scripps.edu/research/metallo