- Cvsweb I've let cvsweb rot for a long time; I no longer have any claim to it other than having created a cool initial program. Although I have some ideas on what I want to see, I also obviously don't have the cycles to devote to it. Please see Henner Zeller's cvsweb. It's an all-singing, all-dancing, up to date, web designer friendly version. cvsweb 1.0, which used to be distributed from this ...people.freebsd.org/~fenner/cvsweb
- My ICQ number is 25375077 ! Read in Configuration Management FAQ : CVS, which requires RCS, extends RCS to control concurrent editing of sources by several users working on releases built from a hierarchical set of directories. RCS is assembly language, while CVS is Pascal , according to the author. You can download CVS from CVS HOME. CVS is distributed under a GNU licence and can be obtained ...www.loria.fr/~molli/cvs-index.html
- MacCVS.org is the home site of MacCVS Pro, a free open-source CVS client for the Macintosh.www.maccvs.org
- www.cs.utah.edu/dept/old/texinfo/cvs/cvs_toc.html
- www.cs.utah.edu/dept/old/texinfo/cvs/pcl-cvs_toc.html