- Papas and Beer is the largest club on West Coast, located in Baja Mexico ...papasandbeer.com
- www.foxploration.com
- Carnitas la flor de michoacan, Ave. Juarez #291, Rosarito, B.C. Mexico tel:01(6)612-18-58, from e.u.001(52) 6 612-18-58 ...www.sdro.com/carnitasmich
- WHY LEASE IN BAJA WHEN YOU CAN OWN Hi! Welcome to our site. Our homes are located in secured gated communites that provide pools, tennis courts, restaurants, 24 hr security, and long secluded beaches. We have many beach homes to choose from, starting from the low $65, 000 to $500, 000's. Not all of our listings are on our web-site. Please feel free to view some of our homes for sale and ownership ...www.hutchison-baja-realty.com
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