- Sharon Cuneta: Official Web Site of the Philippine's Megastar ...www.sharoncuneta.com
- Welcome to Ina's Joint! This locale is centered on the beautiful and talented Ina Raymundo - The Actress, Model and Pinay Goddess!members.tripod.com/~rina21/ina_raymundo.html
- CaRLoAqUiNo | MeSsAgEbOArd/GuEsTbOoK | CaRLo HimSeLF | CaRLo's PhOtOs | CArLo'S PhoTos 2 | LiNkS | ConTAct ME | WhAt'S NeW | CArLo's OtHeR FaCtS | CaRLo'S NEwS | EXcluSive FoR FanS PArT1 | ExCLusive for FANs parT2 | CarLo toGether WitH... | ........And The WinnEr is WELCOME!!!!!to Carlo's Unofficial SOITE! Beware of impostors please..there are some people using MY NAME and Carlo's name..I'm not ...carloaquino.50megs.com