- Vin & Sprithistoriska museet ar ett teknik- och kulturhistoriskt museum for alkoholdrycker. Har visas vin- och sprithanteringen i Sverige och varlden.www.vinosprithistoriska.se
- Homepage of the de Mare family. Presentation of the Swedish snaps song tradition with samples in English and snaps recipes. An opinion on the meaning of life. A family tree. Slakttrad. Stil-och farganalys. Snapsvisor. Limerickar. Meningen med livet ...home.swipnet.se/de_mare
- Food and Drink Traditional Swedish cooking cannnot be compared with the sophistication of, say, French or Italian cuisine. Swedish food is usually simple and satisfying, and nowadays also healthy. In the last few decades immigrants from all over the world have enriched our food culture with a host of exciting dishes. Foreign fast food, for example, has become an inseparable part of Swedish youth ...www.sverigeturism.se/smorgasbord/smorgasbord/culture/lifestyle/food.html