Pilatus develops and produces high-performance single-engine turboprops: PC-12 business- and utility Aircraft, PC-7MkII and PC-9 Turbo trainers and the PC-6 Turbo porter.
With more than 200 graduating pilots per year, Horizon Swiss Flight Academy is not only the most important flight school in Switzerland but also one of the leading academies in Europe. At Crossair, the most successful regional airline in Europe, more than 2/3 of their pilots are former Horizon students. Other former graduates fly for reputable airlines.
Global Bosat System Boschung develops, produces and sells high quality products for summer and winter maintenance for roads and airports. Boschung entwickelt, produziert und vertreibt qualitativ hochstehende Produkte fur den Unterhalt von Strassen und Flugh fen. (Deutsche Version) Boschung developpe, fabrique et vend des produits de haute qualite pour l'entretien des routes et aeroports.