The Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM) is a multidisciplinary organization of physicians, scientists, radiopharmacists, technologists and others interested in the diagnostic, therapeutic, and investigational use of radiopharmaceuticals. Founded in Seattle, Washington in 1954, it is the largest scientific organization dedicated to nuclear medicine.
SEMN . Sociedad cientifica cuyo fin es promover el estudio de las aplicaciones de la energia nuclear en Medicina, Biologia y ciencias basicas, asi como promover, cooordinar y desarrollar programas cientificos, de informacion y de educacion ...
Home Clinical-information Research Faculty Teaching-file Training-program Welcome to the MIR Nuclear Medicine Teaching File If you are new to nuclear medicine, take a look at What is Nuclear Medicine at the Society of Nuclear Medicine web site. Notice: Nuclear medicine residency positions are available for positions starting July 2003; see our residency information page for further information.
Last updated: June 10 th, 2002. Click to sign our new guestbook. ...
Colegio Internacional de Medicos Nucleares International College of Nuclear Medicine Physicians ESPA OL El Colegio Internacional de Medicos Nucleares tiene como fin poner al alcance de los Medicos Nucleares y Medicos de otras especialidades, textos de informacion e imagenes de casos cl nicos de interes, as como promover la amistad y las relaciones profesionales entre los miembros de todos los pa ...
Department of Radiology, Brigham and Women's Hospital Harvard Medical School Physical Characteristics of Nuclear Medicine Images Stephen C Moore, PhD This lesson discusses the following image properties: I. Image Quality (or Clarity) II. Unsharpness, Resolution A. resolving power B. point-spread function C. line-spread function D. edge-response function E. modulation transfer function F. factors ...
NUCLEAR MEDICINE TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM AT ST.VINCENT'S HOSPITAL AND MEDICAL CENTER 153 West 11th Street, New York, NY 10011 St. Vincent's Values: Respect: The basic dignity of the human person is the guiding principal in all our interactions, policies and procedures. Integrity : Integrity is the consistency between the Catholic identity we profess and the ways in which we act it is that quality of ...
Radiology case studies
Onko-PET, Neuro-PET, Schilddruesen Diagnostik, Skelettszintigraphie, Krebs, Tumor, Therapie ...