- Visitor: From The ANJHHWC 1st Quarter 2002 Meeting - January 10, 2002. NJDEP - Robbinsville, NJ, (Read the Minutes) From The ANJHHWC 3rd Quarter 2001 Meeting - NJ Mercury Task Force Update October 11, 2001. Somerset County Complex, (Read the Minutes) From The ANJHHWC 1st Quarter 2001 Re-Organization Meeting - Consumer Electronics Take Back, Dry Cell Battery Recycling March 13, 2001. Somerset ...njhazwaste.com
- Almost every home contains hazardous products, or products that can harm human health or the environment if improperly handled. They are products used in cleaning, home improvements, automobile maintenance, lawn and garden care, hobbies, and a variety of other tasks. Each year, thousands of people are injured by exposure or accident involving hazardous household products. Because of the dangers ...outreach.missouri.edu/owm/hhw.htm