The National Association for Poetry Therapy (NAPT) is an energetic, world-wide community of people who share a love for the use of language arts in growth and healing. Members represent a wide range of professional experience, schools of therapy, educational affiliations, artistic disciplines, and other fields of training in both mental and physical health. In addition to its professional membership, NAPT welcomes all persons who are interested in the power of the healing word.
The Center for Journal Therapy is the premier resource center for training and education on the power of writing to heal.
The Pongo Publishing Teen Writing Project is a volunteer, nonprofit effort with Seattle teens who are in jail, on the streets, or in other ways leading difficult lives.We help these young people express themselves through poetry and other forms of writing and publish annual anthologies of their work.
I work with women on a range of issues including relationships, anxiety, depression, and eating disorders; recovery from trauma and child abuse, recovery from alcohol and drug addictions and more.
Since 1991, I have been conducting group poetry reading and writing sessions at Sanctuary Psychiatric Centers. My interest in this field began as far back as I can remember, before I ever knew there was such a thing as poetry therapy. As a child I remember sitting in school daydreaming. My mind would wander out the window, and as it did, my feet would begin to tap a rhythm.
The act of writing and reading poetry creates a sacred space in which we can grieve, heal, rejoice, play, rest, plan, reconsider. We explore the frontiers of Poetry Therapy. - dewey decimal 615.8515 ...
The Center for Creativity; Studio for Expressive Arts in Self-development, Creativity, and Psychotherapy Monthly Expressions Newsletter Kristrinah Talus-Ayala, Director Summer-Fall 2002 SCHEDULE: Expressive Arts Workshops for Adults: Paint for Process Testimonials Inside Nature - one day collage class Hirshhorm Museum in Washington, DC Creating Your Heart's Desire Individual Art Therapy - ...
This intensive (equivalent to 30 hours) provides a solid foundation in bibliotherapy theory and experiential process. Do you want to have a full understanding of how poetry therapy works Do you want to experience the range of special techniques that are currently used in the field today In addition, you'll walk away with an anthology of some of the most powerful poems or "poetry prescriptions" that you can get "over the counter!" This intensive seminar has been taught at The New School for Social Research