- depts.washington.edu/scand
- The Program in Scandinavian Studies at the University of Alberta The Scandinavian program at the University of Alberta includes the study of the culture, the languages and the literatures of Denmark, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. The University of Alberta is the only university in Canada where a person is able to get a degree in Scandinavian studies. For further information, please click on the ...www.ualberta.ca/~cins/program.htm
- The Department and Programs Language Program Undergraduate Program Graduate Program Scandinavian at Berkeley Although, taken singly, the Scandinavian countries are relatively small in population (Sweden at 8.5 million; Denmark at 5 million; Norway at 4 million; Iceland at 250, 000), they form as a whole a common linguistic and cultural community of some size. With the exception of Icelandic (a ...socrates.berkeley.edu/~scanweb/deptinfo.html