An examination of the death penalty debate with a profile of the work of Sister Helen Prejean.
Larry Robison received the death penaly and was murdered by the state of Texas on January 21, 2000 for 1982 Lake Worth Texas murders. Larry diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, a severe mental illness ...
The Execution traces the life crimes, and execution of self-confessed death row murderer Clifford Boggess. Filmed over three years that led up to Boggess's Texas execution in 1998, the program is both an examination of capital punishment and the death penalty in the U.S. and a journey into the mind and soul of a death row killer. Some called him a psychopath; others believed he became a ...
Return to JFA site Return to Pro-Death Penalty site Originally Written in 1994 HOLLYWOOD, MURDER AND TEXAS DEATH ROW INMATE GARY GRAHAM AND THE ANTI-DEATH PENALTY MOVEMENT: A CASE STUDY OF LIES, HALF-TRUTHS AND INTIMIDATION I've killed six people already; if you want to be number seven, do something stupid. ~ Gary Graham HOW THE GARY GRAHAM CASE BECAME A WORLDWIDE CAUSE CELEBRE' 1) JUSTICE FOR ...
HBO Films, film, HBO Pictures, HBO Original movies, HBO NYC, movie-of-the-week, MOW, HBO Showcase, low-budget independents, big-event movies, made-for-TV movies, contemporary drama.
Tom Thompson was executed despite overwhelming evidence of his innocence. This site celebrates Tom's life, examines the impact of his death, and esposes the truth about over-zealous prosecutors and a judicial system that finds innocence irrelevant.