- This site contains surveys and quizzes about movies and television as well as photographic tours of the Hollywood Studios and Los Angeles' historic Broadway theatres. We also perform internet research for major Entertainment companies. ...www.gmrnet.com
- 06.07.02 05.31.02 this wk. last wk. weekly traders 27, 292 28, 029 -2.7% weekly trades 185, 107 202, 193 -9.2% avg. daily trades 26, 344 28, 456 -8.0% new traders 1, 626 1, 417 +12.9% 06.07.02 05.31.02 wkend wkend cum. box office $847.5M $920.6M -8.6% wkend box office $116.8M $152.5M -30.6% avg. per theater 4, 144 6, 070 -46.4% new openings 2 7 -250.0% Film title Price Audience Index yesterday 06.14.02 ...www.hsxresearch.com
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