- Christian Hagiography Compiled by Societe des Bollandistes E-mail: socboll@kbr.be Located on the Web server of the Royal Library Albert I, Brussels, Belgium. You are visitor since May 11, 1996. The Bollandists What's New Who's Who - Bollandist Hagiography - History - Today Acta Sanctorum - Scope - Catalogue - Frontispiece Analecta Bollandiana - Focus - Editorial Board - Scientific Committee ...www.kbr.be/~socboll
- In the frame of safeguarding and the transmission of the Sephardic memory, the European Sephardic Institute has as aprimary vocation to collect, centralise, analyse and put at the disposal of everybody, the written, sound and visual documents that can witness the huge richness of the different Sephardic communities that have participated in a large way to the culture of the different ...sefarad.org